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Shipping and Refund Policy

Shipping Policy
We only accept orders and ship to the United States. Your order will be shipped out within 3 - 5 business days from our warehouses at the time the order was placed. An order cannot be canceled once an order is shipped. We use the major shipping carriers within the United States including UPS, USPS, and FedEx.

Refund Policy
The payments made via our secure online store are subject to the following refund policy:
  1. If payment was made here by mistake, was a duplicate transaction, or if you wish to use an alternative payment method, then simply let us know by contacting us at our Contact page and we will issue a refund for the payment made here within 48 business hours.

  2. If you received the product but it arrived defective in some way then please contact us at our Contact page.
If you have any additional questions in regards to our refund policy please feel free to contact us at (866) 476-8863, or at Contact page.
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